Opening Up Cricket Deliver Webinar on Positive Routines
On Saturday 13th February all squad members male and female, U13 to National Team were invited to attend a webinar on positive routines for cricket hosted by Mark Boyns from Opening Up Cricket. There was a good turn out from the IOMCA squads and the webinar topics ranged from mindfulness for cricket, completing gratitude journals, breathing management, sleep and meditation. It was an excellent webinar where players and coaches learnt a lot which we will build on over the winter. Huge thanks to Opening Up Cricket! The Opening Up website can be found at
IOMCA Teams Up With Opening Up Cricket
The IOMCA has joined forces with Opening Up Cricket who promote positive mental health to clubs, players, parents and coaches. The timing of this announcement couldn't be at a more apt time with this week being mental health awareness week in the UK and the challenges everyone is facing with the lockdown. The IOMCA have joined with Opening Up Cricket to offer a series of resources to promote mental wellbeing through cricket at all levels.
Cricket as a sport can provide greater mental challenges than physical which can be felt by players, family members, clubs and coaches regardless of level therefore the IOMCA is keen to ensure any support available is open to all.
Planning has commenced with Opening Up Cricket in how best to deliver these opportunities to cricketers at all levels on the Isle of Man and at present this looks like the following: Three sessions delivered by Opening Up Cricket to high performance squads, junior squads, parents, club members and welfare officers to cover topics relevant to their particular area. Prepare a mental health plan to be used across all of the cricket community. Using feedback from these sessions and Opening Up Cricket's experience to produce an online portal to assist with further learning.
This is a great opportunity to help players and clubs develop and more importantly ensure players and the cricket community enjoy and understand the game and the challenges it may bring and provide them with the tools to do this.
For further information about Opening Up Cricket please go to this link